Thursday 14 November 2013


Like this?
People take six days to make a sand mandala,  and then they sweep it up and put it in the sea.
I wouldn't want to do that.......

Today we made mandalas NOT that kind of mandala

This kind
looks complicated....
It's not
Each line has to be the same,  and do not over-think it.... do the first thing that comes in to mind
You start from the seed which is the middle and make your way out to the edges.

Till next time bye

Thursday 7 November 2013


Did you know when you put something on the internet you will never be able to get it back and every one can see it?

Today we learnt about the internet and how when you put something on the internet you can never take it off, it would affect your reputation when you are older.  Like on facebook, if you put something on facebook and your friend likes it, it goes to their friends, if their friends like it, it goes to their friends, you get the point.

So you need to check what you put on the internet because it will stay there forever.