Thursday 23 May 2013

Get me out of here!

Sometimes when you are tired or unorganised, even when you are worried you can find your self in 
the pit. You might wake up in the morning all happy until you realise you haven't done your homework and you start panicking.

You can get out of the pit by asking someone for help, or telling someone about your problem.  It will start to get easier, but not if you keep it to yourself.

Don't stay in the pit because it will just get deeper and deeper and the problem won't go away. 

Thursday 16 May 2013


"How about a mini science lab" asked Katie? 

Hello, and welcome to my blog. 
Today for MADE Awards, we changed our idea for our documentary.
"What to?" you ask. A mini science lab with fun experiments 
which will appeal to children in Year 4-6 and it will also have lots of learning!

Pretty good idea, I know!
That's all for now. Bye.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Lord of the Rings...

Task commitment, Creativity and Above Average Ability are the three rings that I learnt about today!  

I'm Natasha, in case you've never read my blogs!

Today we learnt about these three rings. Which form a model of giftedness according to a man named Renzulli!

First there is above average ability, which means you might be working at a higher level than your age.
Next there is creativity, which means you have unique ideas!
Lastly, there is task commitment, which means you must stay on task.

Renzulli believes that you need ALL 3 of these things to be gifted!